Obama Asks for a Hamilton Styled Musical on his Presidential Tenure

Washington DC: Obama today requested Lin Manuel Miranda the creator of the super hit Broadway musical Hamilton to create a similarly styled musical depicting his presidential tenure and if possible also his life. Obama reportedly loved the musical and was impressed by the fact that people had so many positive things to say about Alexander Hamilton after watching it.

We managed to connect with Mr Obama at the oval office, “As my tenure is coming to an end, I only want people to remember positive things about it which is an extremely tall task. So after watching Hamilton, I though how much fun it would be if I could somehow get Miranda to launch a musical titled ‘Obama’. I am convinced that my tenure epitomizes hip-hop and not a discordant ‘a capella’ many would like you to believe.  Miranda is already campaigning to help pull Puerto Rico out of financial crisis so maybe we could help each other in this regard. Ideally I should help the island unconditionally but where’s the fun in that.”

Obama also wants the ticket prices of his musical to touch a $1000(the prevailing price of Hamilton), but is concerned that people would pay the same amount to avoid watching the musical.


