Lawsuit Filed Against Twitter Over the 140 Characters Limit, Citing Freedom of Speech

Popular social networking website Twitter has found itself in some legal trouble regarding its policy limiting the number of characters allowed in a single Tweet to 140. A lawsuit has been filed against the website claiming a violation of the First Amendment right to freedom of speech. The litigant, a self-proclaimed human rights activist, was in the news recently when he broke ten shop windows on President Trump’s inauguration day.

During an interview with the litigant concerning the charges, he stated the following: “Well, as usual, I was bitching to Trump about my so-called rights, which I haven’t lost and am unlikely to lose. I had written an entire essay on Twitter tagging Trump.  The character count was showing -1500, so I broke the essay down into 12 separate Tweets and attempted to post them. Not a single Tweet would post. This is a blatant form of fascism. Twitter is stifling the voices of pseudo-liberals like myself. I am pretty certain Twitter introduced this character limit because they knew that Trump would become President one day and they wanted to protect him from the public’s constant criticism. Therefore, I have decided to take Twitter to court for denying us our right to freedom of speech. Just to make myself clear, this freedom of speech should not be universal. All those opposing Trump must be given unlimited characters and his supporters’ accounts should be suspended. The first rule of being a liberal is freedom of speech is only applicable to you and those who support you; all other individuals should be considered racists and stripped of their right to speak freely.”


