After Lemonade’s Success, Beyonce to Name Her Next Album Broccoli

Beyonce has reportedly decided to name her next album Broccoli. This move comes after the tremendous success of her latest album, Lemonade.

We spoke to a close assistant of Beyonce for more details. “After she named her latest album Lemonade, she realized that no matter what name she gives an album, it will always be a hit. Had a school kid named his project ‘Lemonade,’ he or she would have been given a low grade for lack of imagination. When Beyonce did it, it received immense applause. Everyone, including those who liked neither lemon nor ade, started drinking lemonade. So, AMA, or American Mother’s Association, started intense lobbying in order to convince Beyonce to name her next album Broccoli. This would mean that people who were previously repulsed by it would now develop an intense liking. Every kid in America would start eating broccoli without complaint. They know that if Beyonce or another celebrity endorses something, it must be good.”

Now, the CIA, or Children’s International Association, has started lobbying for Beyonce to name her next album French Fries, so that they can eat French fries instead of broccoli.


