Trump to Make Clinton His Running Mate

In a move that might change the political landscape for 2016, Donald Trump has expressed he would like Hillary Clinton as his running mate. If this strategy is successful, Trump will have tamed one of his biggest adversaries.

We spoke to Trump for more details. “Now you see, I wanted to do something huge. Building Trump towers and proposing a wall with Mexico wasn’t big enough for me, so I proposed this partnership with Hillary. We are arguably the most hated individuals in America right now. By coming together, we would streamline all of America’s hatred into one ticket window. In the past 8 years, there has been a lot of hatred, but Obama failed to make himself the focal point. This left the hatred divided and unsynchronized. If Hillary and I join forces, we could harness all the hatred in America, and she could then take care of the rest of the world. It’s a match made in heaven.”

When we spoke to Hillary, she was more than upbeat about this match. “If I become Trump’s running mate, we are more likely to be elected. Once Trump becomes the President, he would quickly be facing impeachments from all corners of The House on a daily basis. Statistically, there would be at least one that could stick. It’s the easiest way for me to access the White House. After fiercely impeaching Trump, people would be so tired, I would be given free reign. You never know. I might even get a second term because of him!”

In unrelated news, Bernie Sanders has decided to publicly accept funding from Walmart to attract some hatred, as well.


