The actions of one man can defeat even the mightiest of armies. This is not the tale of Zhuge Liang, the Chinese general who played his lute on the wall of an undefended town to scare off his enemies’ surprise attack, but it comes pretty close. The now infamous, super versatile quarterback, Cam Newton, was set to square off with his rival, Peyton Manning. Manning, being considerably older than Newton, was thought to be at a greater disadvantage. Despite his advanced age, he managed to slaughter the Panthers at the Super Bowl.
Prior to the Super Bowl, Newton had a very large and loyal fan base. Now, they’ve all seemed to disappear and in their place are legions of people demanding that he be cut from the team. His refusal to take interviews after the humiliating defeat appears to have been the final straw for some. Who wouldn’t want to address fans after a horrible defeat like that? It was only national television.
Everyone willing to stand in front of a microphone has given their opinion on the issue. They repeatedly complain about Newton’s plays, position, and even his attire. His cockiness has been the cause of much criticism, even before the Panthers made it to the Super Bowl. “All Cam had to do was beat the entire Bronco’s lineup single handedly, how hard is that?”