New App to Rate Your Ex-Wife: Helping the Next Guy Dodge Emotional Bullets

In a groundbreaking stride for modern technology, the innovative minds at Silicon Heartbreak have developed a revolutionary new app that promises to bring a new level of transparency and caution to the world of relationships. Introducing “ExRater” – the ultimate solution for men looking to avoid their predecessor’s pitfalls while navigating the treacherous waters of dating and marriage.

Gone are the days of relying on vague anecdotes and secondhand accounts of ex-wives’ behavior. With ExRater, users can now share detailed reviews and ratings of their former spouses, providing prospective suitors with vital information to help them dodge potential emotional artillery. The app’s slogan says it all: “Because wouldn’t you rather know if she’s a serial sock-folder or an occasional sock-eater?”

“It’s like Yelp for relationships,” said Mark Bitterman, CEO of Silicon Heartbreak, sporting a wry grin. “We believe in giving men the tools they need to make informed decisions about their future companions. After all, nobody wants to be blindsided by unexpected quirks, like a penchant for rearranging furniture every full moon or an insatiable obsession with cat memes.”

ExRater allows users to rate their ex-wives in various categories, including communication skills, pet peeves, cooking capabilities, and, of course, the notorious “Crazy Level.” Users can also upload photos as evidence, ranging from innocent snapshots of mismatched socks to the more puzzling and abstract, like a screenshot of a text conversation about whether pineapple belongs on pizza.

The app’s developers claim that ExRater is a great way for men to form an online support network. “We’re fostering a community of men who’ve survived the rollercoaster of relationships and are now generously sharing their insights,” explained Bitterman. “Think of it as a fraternity where the hazing involves analyzing spreadsheet-like graphs of emotional turbulence.”

Critics of ExRater argue that the app could perpetuate biases and negative stereotypes about women, turning relationships into a mere numbers game. Feminist activists have decried the platform as a digital kangaroo court that could potentially lead to character assassination in the name of “relationship transparency.”

In response, Silicon Heartbreak is working on a gender-neutral version of the app, aptly named “ExPlater,” to ensure that all angles of relationship history are equally scrutinized. Beta testers of ExPlater have reported a slew of intriguing revelations, including ex-husbands with an inexplicable habit of alphabetizing their cereal boxes and an unexpected fascination with collecting antique rubber ducks.

Only time will tell if ExRater and its evolving counterparts will reshape the dating landscape or merely become a punchline in the annals of technological humor. In the meantime, as we await the app’s official launch, one thing is certain: modern love may never be the same again.


