Facebook and Google Accidently Delete all News in an Attempt to Censor “Fake News”

Facebook and Google have decided that it’s readers are too stupid to differentiate between NEWS, FAKE NEWS, and SATIRE.  After the elections, political satire was blamed for a Hillary loss by democrats.  (Squib News would like to apologize to all the liberals that went to the polls on Wednesday to vote for Hillary.(Political Satire))  Many would say that if someone is not intelligent enough to differentiate what is real or fake, then they shouldn’t be allowed to decide our leaders anyway.  President Trump has decided that if he doesn’t like or agree with a news story then it’s Fake.

President Trump has decided that if he doesn’t like or agree with a news story then it’s Fake.  He tends to not like anything put out media outlets like CNN and The New York Times.  President Trump has only been in office a few weeks and already the sore losers of the election are trying to use their billion dollar companies to change what people can read or write on the internet.

First Amendment Definition. An amendment to the United States Constitution guaranteeing the rights of free expression and action that are fundamental to democratic government. These rights include freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech.

“first amendment”. Dictionary.com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 6 Feb. 2017. <Dictionary.com http://www.dictionary.com/browse/first-amendment>.

Apparently, Facebook and Google are above the United States Constitution now.  They are attempting to censor what we read and write.  Maybe next they can decide our religion and burn the books they don’t like.  Maybe they will release a list of articles and statements we are allowed to read and we will be able to avoid anything they don’t want us to be exposed to.  We are all so lucky that Google and Facebook are here to protect us.



