Turns out that both companies Mr. Peyton Manning has endorsement contracts with got wind of his “OMAHA!” subliminal advertising scandal. As we should all be aware, advertising happens in every which way in sports from the commercials, to the billboards, all the way down to the decal spaces on NASCAR cars; any way big companies to small ones can get their names scene and heard.
During the Super Bowl, the biggest advertising winner is of course the use of commercials. The cost for one-30 second ad spot during this nationwide event cost companies an upwards of $5 million dollars. No wonder huge businesses like Papa Johns and Nationwide Insurance are so pissed off and mind blown as they not only pay Mr. Manning per his endorsement contract for all the commercials he has roles in, they also had to fork over $5 million dollars to be guaranteed a broadcasting spot during the game.
Now here are two bigwig companies scratching their heads not only wondering how much Omaha Steaks must have been paying Manning, but over the fact of “Why didn’t I think of that?” mentality. You have one company that is two words, and could have told him to yell, “ORDER PAPA JOHNS!” to “SAUSAGE AND PEPPERONI” or any other combination of toppings Papa Johns has to offer. And on the other hand, you have Nation Wide with their catchy jingle of “Nationwide is on your side,” in which throughout the entire commercial(s), everything Manning says portrays the jingle. DUH!!! Have him call his plays through the jingle theme as well.
That being said, Manning seems to have a huge hole in his pocket with money these days. Not only will he be losing out of $50 million dollars between the NFL and CBS, Papa and Nationwide plan on going after even more money to recoup their losses, they also intend to include the termination of his contract for any and all future endorsements he had with them.