Viewers became emotional when Leonardo DiCaprio finally won an Oscar and made an appeal to save the environment during his acceptance speech. Now, DiCaprio has decided to host a Save the Environment Summit, while flying in a private jet through the stratosphere. The Summit will not conduct any aviation activity in the stratosphere, or above, to prevent the accumulation of CFCs. DiCaprio and the organizers will provide an array of amenities to the invitees. They will arrive at the airport via private limos, thereby avoiding cheaper, slower, and more environmentally friendly alternatives, like carpools and buses. The Summit will be sponsored by British Petroleum to show its concern for our planet, especially The Mexican Gulf.
We spoke to a member of the organizing committee for more details. “Leo and his mates were flying to a holiday destination in the Mediterranean to celebrate his breaking of the Oscar jinx. Leo being such a lover of the environment got a wonderful idea to host a Save the Environment Summit, while travelling to their destination. On board, the guests will be served rare delicacies of the Arctic Ocean, such as caviar extracted from fish at risk for extinction.”