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Need help submitting? Send us a message and we will guide you through the process.


  • Crazy headlines! The more shocking and enticing to the reader the better. The headline is what drives the click.
  • Stories with humor and punchlines throughout.
  • Photos representative of the headline and story. The larger the image the better (Get the featured spot!) Be sure to cite any photo credits.
  • Add tags. Make them relevant to the story. Add as many as you’d like or none at all.
Headline only? Send it over! We will do our best to turn it into a story. Feel free to give additional details and photos as well.


Republish? YES YOU CAN! republish articles from your site! If you have already run material on another site, you can still re-publish it here for maximum exposure. Whether it’s been read once or a million times doesn’t matter, if it’s good, we’re happy to publish it. So if you’ve got a wealth of great stuff that deserves a second look, submit it and we’ll go through it.


Please note that, once submitted, the publication rights are irrevocable, and that we retain unlimited rights for future use directly tied to the publication, such as archives, promotion, and perpetual publication. We don’t assume any rights to permit your story’s use off-site, but if such a request comes in, we’ll gladly connect you with the inquiring party.